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Optimisation is not an exact science

It might be thought that optimisation is a bit like putting science into practice. In science, one learns from what doesn’t work. You keep testing what works. The scientific method has proven incredibly productive. While optimisation has technical elements, it cannot be reduced to them. Combining research and creativity with technical prowess is the way in which a consultancy can get results. A reputable link building company makes no guarantees, but it should be able to provide testimonials.

At SEO Consult we are committed to link building by ethical means. In practice, this means that we focus on the acquisition of links via organic methods. The use of high grade content is a key part of our site-specific campaigns.

The provision of high quality content is common to many successful link building strategies. There is no substitute for the use of experienced copywriters and diligent editors. The copywriters should ideally be based in relative proximity to the business in question. They can then have a better chance of composing content that is directly pertinent to a small company’s target audience.

Tracking down a segment of a target audience is not scientific. Each site needs its own approach. Often social media can be used to good effect. Nonetheless, not every campaign will use the same social media. When it comes to the use of social media, there are etiquettes to observe. Despite this point, it is never easy to estimate how much progress will be made in a given time period. Patience and perseverance are therefore required.

The problem with thinking of something as scientific is in part because natural science has formulas. Formulaic approaches to optimisation are doomed to failure. We do not know Google’s algorithm and algorithm change is regular too. There are only clues given to us about how to please the search engine. For example, Google has released information which underlines that a further Panda update has occurred in 2012. In addition, more attention is being paid to freshness. Both pieces of information are relevant to the kind of content that must be employed.

However, there is a danger that people might forget the fundamentals in the specifics. Content has to be about pleasing users. It must also be of a standard which will circulate freely around the net on social media. If the quality is maintained at a consistently high level it should attract both comments and links. While comments have to be moderated, they can add value to the site in question.

Links cannot be gathered in a hurry. This is because low quality or irrelevant links are not worth having. There is no number of high quality links that is sufficient. It is instructive to see link acquisition as a large part of a wider campaign. Using guest blogging or competitions can work well, but they might not be appropriate in every context.

If optimisation was a science it might be possible to learn it up to a basic level more easily. As it is, it is best to use professionals who never stop learning. They can keep up with the changes brought by waves of innovation.

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