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Planning applications – making pipe dreams real.

Standard planning applications must be submitted prior to any of the following work:

Exterior building work

House plans that include physical extensions

House plans that include physical building modifications

House plans that include permanent structures

The government have been pushing for greater speed and efficiency in the planning applications process to enable effective house plans. One means of delivering planning applications is now electronically and most authorities now provide a link from planning applications pages on their website to a planning portal which so forth sends the planning applications it receives to the necessary authorising personnel.

Local authorities can also complicate the creation of planning applications by being incredibly specific in the range and depth of specifications and measurements they require to give a project the seal of approval. Indeed, should inadequately structured planning applications attempt to be processed, they are almost certain to fall at the first hurdle and be declined immediately.

Furthermore, as part of their mission to drive for a quicker planning applications procedure the government are also attempting to standardise planning applications paperwork to make it more user friendly. However, this is yet to come into fruition and the planning applications template remains a complex set of official documentation that needs a dictionary and thesaurus to decipher!

Even basic planning applications require the following: consents, outline of approved matters, listed building consent, advertising material, tree preservation orders and more so it is clear to see why it would benefit you to get a professional on board.

Welcome to EBR Designs. Not a company to be pigeon- holed, we specialise in the design (including planning applications services), build and management of whole range of construction projects and- from initiation to completion – can support your journey from pen and paper to bricks and mortar. Call or visit us today for more information.




Planning applications can be difficult to put together but we can help you to create House Plans for your new construction. Visit us today for more information!

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