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Practicalities of Organising Your Own Music Tour

For many bands today, the most important thing is simply to be seen. The days of record companies ruling the roost are long gone and now any band can make themselves known so long as they can be seen by as many people as possible. By selling CDs at gigs, bands are not only far more likely to make a good deal of money from their music, but also to retain fans in the long term and create a great deal of buzz.

In the eighties, many bands tried and failed to break America. One of the few bands that did mange it were The Police, who were able to get themselves seen simply because there were only three of them and they could find a cost-effective way to get about that other bands could not.

This means that organising tours both at home and abroad will be hugely important. Yet hiring vans and gear could add up to a great expense in the long run. Therefore, for those organising their own music tour, it will be important to have your own transport – a tour van.

Many bands avoid buying a van as they worry that they will have to insure the vehicle all year round, a cost they cannot reasonably commit to. However, by getting temporary van insurance only for the times that the band is on tour and declaring the van off road any time it is not being used for long stretches, the cost can be a great deal less.

Temp van insurance is very cheap to acquire and bands can then test the water of having their own tour vehicle without committing to huge overheads when they are not travelling.

So, for those looking to make a name for themselves in music, the right van, the right temporary van insurance and the right tour plan are all going to be integral. Just by considering temp van insurance, you may suddenly find it is affordable to tour wherever you like.

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