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Reclaim PPI and Win Compensation from Your Bank

If you wish to reclaim ppi you can do so with the help for a professional. Although using a solicitor may sound expensive it is possible to go down this route without any risk to your financial situation. There are many reasons why choosing a solicitor to represent you when claiming back payment protection insurance includes:

Having their experience and expertise at hand to help fight your corner

The solicitors will contact the bank and courts on your behalf meaning you can carry on with your daily routine throughout the entire process

Solicitors show the banks that you mean business and cannot be fobbed off with simple apologies and small compensation awards which are not sufficient

You can hire a solicitor on a no win and no fee basis meaning if you lose they will not charge you for their services

If you do win the fees for the solicitor are taken from the compensation at a rate of 25% leaving you with the rest to do with as you please.

Finding the Right Representation

No win no fee solicitors who specialise in payment protection insurance claims are worth hunting down to improve your chances of being successful when you reclaim ppi. If you look online it is possible to find reliable and trustworthy representation with minimal effort from you. Once you find a website you can request an advisor to give you a call by filling in an online form or simply choose to phone the firm directly.

Always ensure that the initial consultation is free as you should never be charged simply for making an enquiry. Look for no win-no fee solicitors to avoid the fees being applied immediately to your account too. Once you have both agreed that there might be a reason to make a claim after the consultation you will be sent documents to sign and asked to return these with any paperwork you have relating to the loan or credit agreement the ppi is associated with.

The solicitor will investigate and decide to go ahead after receiving the documents in the post. From there you simply need to sit back and wait around 12 weeks to find out if you have won compensation of up to £7000.

Reclaim ppi

with ease by contacting a no win-no fee solicitor today.

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