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Rewards for Going Solar

Opting to turn to solar power to generate your electricity is likely to offer you a warm little glow inside in knowing that you are doing something positive to help our increasingly poorly planet. However, when it comes to getting real rewards for turning to solar power, this is a mere bonus, and there are plenty of financial rewards to be had for choosing to go solar.

The government have introduced a scheme wherein by simply generating electricity using solar PV, you will be rewarded. For every single unit of energy produced, you get paid an agreed rate, tax free, and a rate that will grow with inflation. This government backed scheme will have certain guarantees placed on it to ensure that you know what minimum amount you stand to make.

This alone is likely to justify solar panel prices for many. However, when you add into the equation the fact that you will see a marked reduction in energy bills and the chance to sell on the electricity you don’t use to the National Grid, solar panel prices suddenly seem a great deal more favourable.

The rewards for going solar are now so great that many people are choosing to invest in solar PV instead of putting their money in savings, bonds or stocks. The investment is, at the same time, a great deal safer and can offer multiple other benefits from ensuring you have power even when there are power cuts right through to allowing you to use electrical heaters, showers and the like to drive down the costs of gas bills simultaneously.

Going solar may well offer you peace of mind and a warm glow, but the rewards you can now get are a great deal more and could see you making a significant sum of money in the future.



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