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Road Traffic Accidents And The Compensation You Are Entitled To

Road traffic accidents come in many different forms from car accidents to more serious motorbike accidents which can include pillion passenger claims as well. The effects of an accident like this can vary from fractured bones to total paralysis and depending on the particular case, can result in a large cash payout. If you believe you have been in an accident that wasn’t your fault, then you should at least investigate whether you can make a no win no fee claim. This type of claim means that you will not be liable to pay anything, even in the event that you should lose the subsequent proceedings. Ultimately, the solicitor that you file your personal injury claim with is responsible for deciding whether you can win the case; and if you win you should keep all of the compensation while the opposition pays the legal fees, or if you lose, your solicitor pays. You should always make sure that the solicitors say that you can keep 100% of your compensation award.

A road traffic accident could necessitate lifelong care, which could run into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds. A no win no fee payout can certainly help you to make the best of a future that is uncertain. But it is not only significant crashes that receive large cash payouts – whiplash can result in payouts as well if the injury forces loss of work. This injury, though not typically serious, is underestimated because of the amount of pain and discomfort it causes, so it is always worth while talking about whether you can make a personal injury claim. You can also claim for damage to property including your vehicle and many solicitors can cover the cost of a replacement vehicle or repairs.



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