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Screeding – baby soft smooth.

Floor Screeding – WHAT?

Yes, here at Ultimate Screeding, that is the most common statement we are faced with! So, for those of you who don’t yet know…

Industrial floor screeding is the application of a flat board or purpose made alumininum tool, used to smooth concrete after it has been placed on a surface. Floor screeding is also used to assist in leveling the application of plaster on a horizontal plain. The process of screeding is the installation of a thin top layer of material (sand or concrete) which is poured in situ on top of structural concrete or insulation matter, on top of which other finishing processes occur. The floor screeding trade is seeing a new light of dawn recently however, and it is becoming more common to perform screeding using ‘self levelling,’ poured screeds which utilise other materials as opposed to traditional cement as their binder.

The next question at Ultimate Screeding we happily answer on a daily basis is: ‘who needs floor screeding’ services?

Floor screeding is necessary industry- wide. Screeding services are performed in the construction trades to produce safe working surroundings; the leisure industry to promote fair sports surfaces and even on the roofs that enclose large buildings. Floor screeding- although not always evident – is needed more than you may think- for insulation and smoothing in equal measure.

Finally, why come to Ultimate Screeding?

Here at Ultimate Screeding- a dedicated, qualified, experience team of screeders – we are fast becoming the UK leading providers of floor screeding services and nationwide, there is no other supplier of screeding processes that can rival us on affordability, adaptability, reliability and safety. And what’s more, with a reputation and customer retention rate as glorious as ours; you’d be hard pushed to find a better alternative!

For a no- obligation floor screeding quote, call or visit us today.



Screeding supplied and sold by Our company specialises in Floor Screeding for the best prices around– Visit us today for more information!

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