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See costs fall and sales leads soar with B2B lead generation

B2B lead generation has many advantages for businesses and therefore, in forward thinking organisations, this form of demand generation often sits at the heart of their customer acquisition strategy. It forms an integral part of the sales and marketing process, allowing the existing customer base to be developed and enhanced so that short term and long term goals are met.

One of the main benefits of B2B lead generation is that it can provide massive cost savings. In a challenging business environment this is a welcome bonus, as sales people are properly utilised in face-to-face selling, and the marketing budget becomes less burdened by large scale initiatives and campaigns.

Powerful B2B lead generation results are possible using a low cost approach, in conjunction with other cost reduction tactics. Social media works well with this form of demand generation. By incorporating popular networking platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, new contacts can be kept up to date with business promotions, videos of product demos and other valuable information. They can be easily monitored and new leads identified.

Another great tool to support B2B lead generation is your own website. Telemarketers can use the website as a means to maintain interest. To make this effective, the website must be updated regularly with new content. This can be in the form of different documentations and media which are deemed as valuable by your potential customers. The relationship between you and the prospect develops in this way, from sales team and customer, to consultant and customer.

A relationship built on trust is much more likely to lead to a purchase and a long term partnership. They will feel that they can talk openly about issues and challenges, and glean invaluable insights from the website. This connected approach is guaranteed to reduce costs but increase sales.

At IZEN Marketing we offer a connected approach to sales and marketing, offering an effective demand generation service.



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