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Sensory Rooms on a Shoestring!

During a long, hot car journey smelling your brother passing with after a night on the Heinz; listening to your grandma recalling her tales of woe from “t’past” for the millionth time in the same day; watching ‘Scream’ through parted fingers- not daring to look but also not wanting to miss a second of the action and even tasting Stilton on your Kellogg’s before work rather than milk. There are times in life when we all wish we could completely switch our senses off; when we could be completely void of sensation. Some aren’t so lucky and people with defibrillating sensory conditions like visual and hearing impairment or MS for example, can only dream of having full use of all five senses all the time.

Introduced in 1970’s but having developed in leaps and bounds; multi sensory rooms and dark sensory rooms are places where adults and children with special needs can feel free to roam and explore where they see fit. With no limitations and being fully safe, sensory rooms can transcend the effects of chemical medications and have been proven to develop sensory and motor skills of many individuals more effectively than prescription drugs. Multi sensory rooms are extremely therapeutic for anyone with a sensory processing disorder, from mild to severe and in fact, not limited for those with a disability; anyone can benefit from spending time in multi sensory rooms, if only to unwind in total peace and tranquility.

Multi sensory rooms can incorporate many physical features that are proven to evoke the senses and great sensory rooms will include: visual input, lighting, aromatherapy machines and opportunities to stimulate the taste, touch and hearing sensations most people encounter on a minute-to-minute basis.

Multi sensory rooms also stimulate the lesser known, more abstract senses like wellbeing (because everyone relishes a good hug); space (because we all deserve some ‘me’ time); time (something no one has enough of) and togetherness (BFF). This can happen in many ways but mainly through special sound and visual effects, tactile experiences, vibration and the use of aromas and music – in different combinations and variations.

Whether you require a space to completely relax alone, or interact with and control all the elements; multi sensory rooms make for the perfect environment to be completely ‘you’ in a positive, completely selfish way without being punished for it.

If you want to know more about multi sensory rooms on a budget, visit today.



Sensory Rooms with We supply our customers with high quality multi sensory equipment, from the design, manufacture, sales and installation. Visit today for more details on how we can help you with our Sensory Gardens.

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