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Should You Get Your Cat Spayed?

It may seem like a very good idea to keep your cat fertile so that you can enjoy the wonder of seeing your beloved cat become a mother. However, there is a huge overpopulation of cats and, therefore, many kittens every year have to be killed simply because there is no one to look after them.

Furthermore, an unsprayed cat can be troublesome. Not only can they spray and act very out of sorts, but the whining and howling they make when they are on heat is liable to keep you awake on a fairly regular basis.

However, there may be occasions when it is wise to let your cat reproduce, but do not be lured in by money. Pedigree cats may produce kittens worth a great deal of money but, again, whilst you may be able to sell such a kitten yourself, it will mean another kitten somewhere else goes without a home.

The process of spaying is cheap and relatively painless for the cat. They will be up and about again in a very short space of time. However, it cannot hurt to focus their cat food a little more during the recovery process to ensure they heal more effectively and return to health far faster. Whether you choose a cat food that has been developed specifically to aid healing in cats or whether you simply choose a brand that produces very good cat food to ensure that they are getting the optimum nutrients during their recovery, it can be amazing just how important the right food can be for our pets.

Ultimately, the choice of whether you spay or not will be down to the individual, but the more people that do it, the more lives that could be saved. So consider spaying and offering your pet some very good cat food to help them recover.

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