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Sporrans – A wee dram of glamour at your fingertips

An ‘Alpha male’ wardrobe nowadays- usually comprising of Topman and River Island attire – is hardly unique and inspiring nor is it worthy of a mention on ‘Gok’s Fashion Fix.’

It is with this in mind, that Kilts Wi Hae have become passionate about introducing Highland wear and sporrans into the everyday wardrobes of men nationwide. They are taking kilts, sporrans and tartan from the dead and buried to the here and now: highland wear ‘sporrans again!’

But why sporrans; surely highland wear is just for Scots?

No! Sporrans may well remain a traditional part of male Scottish highland wear but sporrans also – when combined with other items of highland wear clothing – made from either fur, leather or a combination of both, suspended from a belt or chain on the front of a kilt, can be utilised as a (much more fashion forward) version of a ‘bum bag’- a veritable ‘hold all’ that needn’t question a men’s sexuality! The ornate detail on sporrans is unique from sporrans to sporrans and is usually determined by the formality of either occasion or accompanying highland wear.

Highland wear, sporrans in particular surely aren’t comfortable though!

Wrong again. When performing everyday tasks, although usually at the forefront of your attire, sporrans can be turned to the side of one hip, allowing them to casually hang, safely out of the way. Sporrans really are making a return into the modern man’s wardrobe and anyone would be foolish to neglect this increasingly popular item of highland wear!

Kilts Wi Hae provide a wide selection highland wear and sporrans, including ‘day sporrans’; usually brown and leather adorned in simple tassel effects and Celtic knot designs; ‘dress sporrans’; a larger and highly ornate item of highland wear which can include elaborate stones, jewels and emblems and; regimental sporrans, which serve as highly respected highland wear and are moreover worn as a sign of respect to their regiments and are made from long horsehair.
Highland wear, kilts and sporrans alike have a tainted reputation for being uncomfortable and ‘revealing’ to say the least. However sporrans from Kilts Wi Hae promise to be secure, snug and well- fitting; suitable for all. A traditional form of ‘groin armour,’ quality sporrans and highland wear form part of any Scottish capsule wardrobe.

Highland wear and sporrans from kilts Wi Hae are animal friendly, sustainable and ethically sourced and, despite this still continue to be retailed at highly affordable, attainable prices.



Sporrans from If you are searching for that special outfit, whether it be for a wedding or dinner dance, look no further than our website. Visit us today if you are looking for Highland Wear.

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