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Steam Generator Irons

Steam generator irons can prove a real labour saving device, with many estimating that they reduce ironing time by up to 50%. Who wouldn’t enjoy a 50% reduction in the time they spend craned over the ironing board? There are many additional features to steam generator irons which can make them considerably more beneficial and useful when compared to traditional, conventional irons. If you do a lot of ironing, though, and you expect the best results then steam generator irons are the ideal solution.

The greatest benefits of steam generator irons lie in the amount of steam that they are able to generate. Conventional irons are limited in this respect but the separate water tank that a generator iron has means that it is able to continue creating and pumping steam for considerably longer and at greater temperatures. When looking for your first, or next, steam generator iron you should consider the grams of steam per minute (gsm) that each produces.

The steam used in ironing helps to reduce the size of creases in the ironing. Smaller creases will virtually disappear while the almost cavernous creases that inevitably appear once an item has been washed and dried will be easy to iron out. Non-pressurised irons produce up to 100gsm while pressured units offer even more steam power with up to 120gsm offering an easy glide over even the most stubborn and difficult of creases.

The amount of steam produced is only part of the picture, albeit an important part. If the iron does not distribute the steam properly then the amount being produced is immaterial. The most advanced irons enable you to alter various factors regarding the steam distribution and this means that you can alter your steam settings to match the type of fabric and difficulty of creases that you attempt to combat.

Steam generator irons are more expensive than conventional irons and you may need to invest in a specialist ironing board while finding additional space to house it. However, you will enjoy faster and easier ironing sessions while enduring fewer water refills thanks to the cavernous water tank that is usually found as part of the generator iron. has further extended its line of beneficial home appliances to include a range of steam generator irons. Enjoy reliable, effective, and more efficient ironing with a new steam generator iron.

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