
The effects of the digital camera

Photography has evolved as the technology available to people has advanced and these days the art is more accessible and inclusive than ever before. It is simple for individuals to take snaps on their cameras and mobile phones and they can then engage in online photo printing, creating personalised photo books and other such things.

Writing in the BBC News Magazine, Tom de Castella recently identified a number of ways in which the invention of the digital camera has influenced people. He cited figures produced by Samsung that suggested a total of around 2.5 billion people across the world have devices of this kind, adding that the advent of the camera phone as been the “most revolutionary” development.

He remarked: “In 2011 big breaking news stories – from the capture and killing of Colonel Gaddafi to outbreaks of serious looting in England’s summer riots – were captured on camera phones.”

According to Mr de Castella, the invention of the digital camera has had a marked effect on professional photographers.

On this topic, technology writer for the Financial Times Jonathan Margolis drew attention to the story of such an individual who was working in Berlin in 1939. The man had eight photographic plates to use over the course of six weeks. This meant he could take eight pictures during this time.

The journalist stated: “He’d be covering Nazi rallies and would go the week before to plan it like a film shot, making sure he got the right angles. In the end, out of the eight plates he got four award-winning photos.”

Meanwhile, Mr de Castella added that even when rolls of film were at their most popular, photography could still be an “expensive hobby”.

These days, because of digital technology, it is extremely cheap for people to take snaps. Also, as long as they know where to look, they can make the most of superb value online photo printing services, meaning they can create personalised photo books and other such things without breaking the bank.



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