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The importance of Courier Insurance

Courier insurance ensures that people who want to or who already work as a courier have the right insurance to carry out the services that they offer. Standard car or van insurance will not cover people who work as a courier and use their vehicle for work purposes. People who have a van and call themselves a courier cannot legally deliver goods without the correct courier insurance policy. A specialist courier insurance policy will cover drivers for the carriage of goods for hire and reward and or courier. If the policy doesn’t state this then it is not valid courier insurance. An insurance policy that covers people for social domestic and pleasure will not cover people to make courier deliveries and people should not cut corners when it comes to courier insurance if this is what they do for a living as they could end up losing their licence and their job if they are driving without the correct insurance.

Courier insurance can cover all types of vehicles that are going to be carrying goods for hire and reward. Specialist insurance companies who offer courier insurance will be bale to provide van courier insurance, car, HGV, lorry, fleet, artic and furniture removal insurance. Dedicated van courier insurance or courier insurance for any other vehicle should include an unlimited number of courier drops, free legal expenses and unlimited mileage so couriers aren’t restricted to the amount of work that they can do. Courier insurance companies will be able to arrange single policy covers right thorough to policies for fleets of courier vehicles with up to 200 vehicles in a fleet.

Some courier drivers may also want to take out other insurance policies as well as courier insurance and van courier insurance. Other sought after policies include public liability insurance, goods in transit insurance and marine and cargo insurance for offer cover for goods in all types of transit. Whether people are new courier drivers or experienced drivers they should ensure they have the correct courier insurance for the job that they carry out.




Courier insurance from is affordable and reliable and always delivers the goods every time. We have the most sought after, desirable and reasonably priced van courier insurance.

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