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The Origins of the Secret Santa Tradition

The exact origins of the secret Santa tradition are lost in the mists of time. However, it appears to be a tradition that was started in North America by the philanthropist Larry Dean Stewart. It all started before he became rich. In fact, he was really down on his luck when the idea took root in his heart and mind.

He was living in his car and had actually run out of money. He got so hungry he decided he would have to go to a local diner have something to eat then feign having lost or forgotten his wallet. Feeling guilty, he did this, but when it came time to pay instead of getting angry with him the diner owner did something remarkable. He gave him a $20 note and said to him ‘I think you dropped this’. This saved Larry’s dignity and he was able to leave the diner with money in his pocket.

The generosity of the diner owner stayed with Larry and when he became rich he made it a habit to act the same way. He gave millions to stranger anonymously and the tradition of anonymous giving was popularised in The States, eventually leading to the secret Santa tradition.

Tips for Buying Secret Santa Gifts

Most people love taking part in their office secret Santa, but even the most seasoned participants sometimes get stuck for gift ideas. However, if you follow a few simple rules buying these gifts is not really that difficult.

The first tip is to follow any rules that are laid down. If there is a limit to how much you can spend stick to it, if there is a theme, follow it. Try to buy something the person receiving it will genuinely like and if possible try to inject some fun into the gift. If you give something too personal or formal in this situation it can be embarrassing for the gift receiver.

Try not to buy the same kind of gift two or three years running. The more everyone mixes it up the more fun secret Santa is.

Freefall UK is a great place to buy secret Santa gifts. They sell all kinds and constantly update their range with fresh and innovative gifts.

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