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The small details of website marketing matter

Whatever precise tactics are being used to promote the interests of an individual site, getting the minor details right is absolutely essential. Whether or not one is engaged in something like pay per click, technical prowess is an imperative. Even things which might seem to be among the simpler aspects of website marketing, such as content provision, actually demand a high degree of focus on detail. Being sloppy in any process can result in poor site performance and the competitive nature of the search world means that sites which slip back may not catch up with their rivals.

At Click Consult we know that there is nothing to be gained by inaccuracy. This principle is applicable to content management and specialist online marketing techniques. Consistency can help in a range of marketing activities and it does not clash with creativity. Precision and perseverance are qualities which tend to pay off during the course of a continuous campaign. Forgetting these qualities could lead to failure, so we bear them in my mind at every stage in our work.

A consultancy has to be prepared for a range of eventualities. If it is not, it will make technical errors. Marketing campaigns must be adjusted in accordance with fresh events. Things must change for progress to remain the same. Whenever a big player in the search world makes a significant move, there is the potential for a consultant to lose touch with an emergent reality.

Relatively recently, there was a good example which demonstrated why close attention can be useful. When Google launched its ‘Search plus Your World’ option, most consultants were conscious of the fact that it represented a shift towards a more personalized version of search. However, more astute consultants spotted that the new move had taken out the option by which users affected could block specific sites. When Google was asked about how long it could take for the potential for blocking to be restored, they were initially unable to provide a definitive response.

The episode does not simply illustrate the principle of unintended consequences. It also shows that Google needs careful scrutiny. Blocking is a significant capacity to possess so the inadvertent suppression of it was worthy of note. It is also vital to think that Google’s reputation for efficiency was slightly tarnished by what happened. Google’s rivals like Yahoo and Bing have received assistance from another recent error by the search engine, where Google Chrome was being promoted in an unethical manner.

These are minor blemishes in Google’s impressive record. Nevertheless, overlooking similar false moves will not help a consultancy. It is also necessary for consultants to keep an eye on Bing and other players in the search world. Last year, Bing blotted its copybook by treating some retail sites in a way which was widely considered to be unfair.

Online marketing is definitely a complicated business. There are no signs that complexity is likely to diminish. This means that much has to be done in terms of getting little things correct and in terms of looking out for minor developments which could impact on existing or future campaigns.



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