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The vital role of Automated Defibrillation devices

Automated defibrillation devices can help to save lives and people can invest in these for their workplace or other settings along with professional training on how to use them so they are prepared in the event of a medical emergency. Investing in automated defibrillation equipment is possibly one of the most worthwhile purchases that people can make as saving someone’s life is priceless and that is what quick use of an external defibrillator can do. Automated defibrillation devices are what people will have seen being used on TV and in films when people are given a shock on their chest to re-start their heart if it has stopped pumping blood around the body and someone is in cardiac arrest. A shock is given using the external defibrillator which in most cases will make the persons heart start pumping again and return to its normal rhythm until the paramedics arrive.

Automated defibrillation devices cannot be used by just anybody and in order to use them a person will need to have had training. The types of locations where automated defibrillation devices should be available are at medical locations like health centres, dentist surgeries and clinics, leisure and hospitality settings, in people’s homes, workplaces, educational establishments and carried by medical emergency professionals. Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the biggest causes of death and many of these deaths can be prevented if more places have an external defibrillator on hand. Any place such as an office, shopping centre, hotel or gym that invests in an automated defibrillation device should train a number of people to use it to make sure there is always someone trained to use the device on the premises at all times.

Automated defibrillation devices will not be as expensive as people may think and it terms of saving people’s lives they are worth every penny. To help people use the external defibrillator they have built in voice assistance instructions to guide users through the correct way to use the device. This will help people to remain calm and focused when delivering the treatment. Research into automated defibrillation devices has shown that when used promptly they can increase the chance of survival by 60%.



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