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Translation And Voice Overs

There are a myriad of different uses for translations once they are complete and one of the avenues that might be open to a client is the possibility of having it turned into a voiceover. It may well be that the client requires both document translation services and a professional voiceover recording and not all agencies are capable of providing for both. Some, however, have a resource of talent that they can draw upon to fulfil all of a client’s needs for a particular type of voiceover. Accessing somebody to competently provide a clear voiceover that may be set to video or a different type of media can be a difficult job and a shot in the dark. Professional translation services however will be able to source those people, either internally or externally, and can provide a quality solution which can include document translation services as well.

Voiceover options should ultimately reflect the needs of the customer and they should include the most professional voices from males and females, to more colloquial voices that are able to speak to subsections of people or target particular demographics. On top of this, the translation company might also be able to offer subtitling services as well as audio for computer programs like Adobe Flash. Age might also play a role, since younger people can often target specific age groups and a level of informality, whereas more mature voices might be better for more formal or older age groups.

The audio should obviously be professionally recorded removing any background noise as well as pops and clicks that might have come through the microphone. For any professional translation company producing commercial audio, the subsequent recording should be available in a number of different formats from high fidelity files such as uncompressed .WAV and .AIFF to more transmittable formats like .Mp3.


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