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Twin Cots

Congratulations! If you’re reading this you’re either expecting twins or know someone who is. Everybody knows bringing up children can be a little bit difficult at the best of times, so when you’re expecting two or more children at once the stress can start to pile on just a little bit. There are plenty of ways to efficiently prepare for your newborns, but if you want to truly get an idea of the best environment you can provide for your twins you need to start with where they will sleep. There are a number of selling points towards buying twin cots instead of two separate cots. Firstly there is the advantage of keeping both babies together in such close quarters. There are studies that suggest doing this helps babies regulate their body temperatures and maintain sleep cycles. Although after a while they will begin to have different waking hours, having twin cots early on in the life of your newborns is definitely an invaluable decision to make.

Secondly, the issue on the minds of most parents is space. It might be that you didn’t consider you would have twins and your budget does not allow moving to a larger house or buying separate cots. With twin cots you can maximise your space efficiency by keeping your newborns to one room as well as one section of a room. As you may know, newborns require a mass array of equipment for hygiene, feeding, and entertainment. The space afforded to you by choosing twin cots can allow for better storage of other items you may need on-hand to tend to both your babies.

Finally there is the convenience of having both babies in the same place. Babies love seeing the faces of their parents leering over their cots, as it is a source of comfort to them. Some studies show that when one baby is getting attention while the other is not they can begin to feel isolation which causes irritation and makes them agitated and uncomfortable. Even by accident this can simply be done, but with twin cots you can give both babies the attention they deserve. has a veritable plethora of reliable, long lasting and eye catching twin cots which are an ideal addition to any bedroom. Our lovely bunk cots guarantee a peaceful, uninterrupted night’s sleep.

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