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Unexpected city gets top spot in fashion list

Certain cities around the world are noted for their connection with glamorous clothing. For example, London, New York, Paris and Madrid all have major fashion weeks and are associated with designer chic.

However, in a recent list dubbed by its creators a “fashion-conscious index” a rather unexpected place took the top spot. According to Bundle, a relatively little-known city called Irvine in California was in pole position.

The firm selected the largest US cities by population and assessed them by the percentage of “fashion-conscious households”. These were homes that had engaged in at least four transactions at top-end designer merchants during the previous 30 months.

Irvine ranked nearly four times above the average. Meanwhile, the biggest cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Dallas and Chicago, all came high up in the list. In contrast, Buffalo in New York state ranked as the least fashionable city, with an index of 0.1. This made it ten times less fashionable that the average city. About this, Bundle said: “Perhaps Buffalo’s lack of fashion can be chalked up to its abundance of snow days.”

The company went on to state: “Our conclusion? When it comes to haute fashion, it’s all about location, location, location.”

Consumers who are on the lookout for great deals on fashion women’s fashion clothing can now head online. This is a superb way to source glamorous clothing with minimal cost and hassle.

One of the best things about shopping like this is the fact that it does not matter where people are when they are buying the products. All they need is a web connection and they can rest assured they will benefit from an excellent selection of offerings.

Also, by using the internet to buy women’s fashion clothing, individuals can ensure they are able to make the most of superb deals.

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