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Virtual Office Assistant – It’s all in here!

It’s inevitable really; there are times in your working life when you have so much to do that you don’t know your ‘left’ from your ‘right’ and you’re list of jobs ‘to do’ is reaching the length of not just one, but both of your arms!

It’s times like these that you could really do with a virtual office assistant and we’re not talking a Bubble – ‘I turned on the…umm…whatchamacallit this morning’ – style personal assistant you’ve seen on Ab Fab! Indeed, a virtual office assistant is the ideal alternative for anyone who needs a helping hand in their office or home but would prefer to function as a solo operation as opposed to the regular annoyances coughed up by a physical personal assistant.

Organise me Please is a Brighton based virtual office assistant service which remains ‘helpful’ over ‘hindrance’ and is proving time upon time to be the difference between cluttered chaos and dictionary organisation.

If you choose to buy into this virtual office assistant service, what you will be offered is certainly not one- dimensional. In fact, Lauren Payn who will act as your virtual office assistant at all times of the day, is highly organised, motivated and- having been exposed to a busy office environment in the past – has the experience and knowledge to multi task; large scale multi task!

As a natural ‘sorter’ Lauren has always organised her friend’s diaries and acted as an unpaid virtual office assistant but as a professional virtual office assistant, Lauren understands the need to remain in the background and only enter the arena when called upon and as such, holds flexibility at the core of her expanding virtual office assistant business.

What Lauren actually does in her capacity as a virtual office assistant is up to you; she can manage files, draft letters, research topics and prepare presentations as well as a wealth of other services- all from the comfort of her own home.

For a virtual office assistant that can do much more than brew up, call Lauren today for a discussion about what she can offer you!



Virtual Office Assistant from We are a Brighton based virtual assistant service providing personalised assistance and business support. Visit us for a Virtual Assistant London.

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