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Web Design Tips

When you are looking at creating a web site from scratch or even to simply replace an outdated site, it is important that you know how best to go about it. The first step is to ensure that you choose the right company and get a company that will offer bespoke web design and not simply a service to tweak pre-designed templates. Ultimately, your business needs to stand out and therefore your website needs to have something that others don’t, whilst reflecting your company’s ethos and branding as effectively as possible.

However, even once you have found web design Manchester companies that can offer you bespoke services and that have the credentials to offer you unique and interesting sites, you still need to be able to communicate exactly what you want and know when their suggestions might lead you down the wrong path.

With bespoke web design it can be easy for companies to get carried away and try to offer you something extremely fancy. However, by having too much going on, the site can become hard to navigate, slow or even distracting and therefore it is important that you keep constant check on the usability and functionality of the site that is being created.

Ensure the site that is created remains self-contained. It may be cheaper to take visitors to pre-hosted external sites, but by opening up new windows, or taking people away from your site, you will lose customers or cause frustration. Ensure that any technology that is used (such as Flash and the like) doesn’t slow the loading of pages and can be seen by as many people as possible, not just those with specific software.

Ultimately, the web design Manchester you choose needs to offer you a site that can be as attractive and interesting as possible, whilst remaining easy to use by as many people as possible.



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