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Wedding cinematography

Considering the importance of a wedding day, it’s never surprising to see that so many seek to have it captured on film. If handled badly, key parts of the ceremony can be missed, with poor quality footage hampering the quality of the final production. Whilst some seek to outsource the visual capturing of their wedding to close friends or family members, others seek to hand the task over to a professional company with years of experience and expertise when it comes to getting it right. Both approaches are known to boast success stories, but regardless of who is conducting the production of the wedding video, there are always rules that need to be adhered to.

Covering all bases

By liaising closely with the people responsible for capturing the big day beforehand, you can help ensure that the final production matches your wishes and specifications. The more detailed you can be when it comes to committing the ceremony to film, the more enjoyment you seek to get from the final cut, even years down the line. If there are certain people or parts of the event that you explicitly wish to be showcased, inform the producers of the video of this. A strong wedding plan will help provide an accurate audio-visual portrayal of the day. If you are tasking friends or family with the capture of the ceremony, ensure that they have relevant experience in the field, even if only on an amateur basis. Meanwhile, ensure that a tripod is used as much as possible to give off a professional feel – particularly if the people filming the ceremony lack professional experience.

You only get one shot

Sound and lighting levels will need to be checked regularly to ensure that poor quality footage isn’t being unwittingly captured. This is particularly important for the capture of real-life scenes as it won’t be possible to run through the action again. You’ll only get one take during the process, so it’s important to ensure that all technical aspects are optimised. Successful wedding cinematography will always involve a large amount of footage being captured to assist the resulting editing process. It’s also vitally important that anything deemed to be a key aspect of a wedding is captured – a wedding video that contains no footage of key guests arriving or the vows themselves would be a very odd product indeed. You most likely only have one opportunity to get it right so calling upon the professionals may be highly recommended. By taking this step you’ll be able to ensure that professional standard equipment is used too.



Wedding cinematography by Allure productions are the premiere wedding videography production studio in Melbourne. Visit their website today if you’re looking for wedding videography Melbourne.

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