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What Does Our Energy Cost?

Gas companies try to explain away their excessive profits by making comparisons to major multinational companies. However, what they seem to fail to realise is that whilst high-street stores may make a few million a year more than them, no one ever struggled to survive by not being able to afford a new Pashmina.

Many power companies see yearly profits of tens or hundreds of millions whilst, on the flip side, many ordinary people still struggle to afford their gas or electricity bills. Likewise, the ever growing need to increase profits in these areas can in some ways be held accountable for many of the world’s biggest conflicts.

Therefore, breaking free from the shackles of such energy dependency can be very beneficial. It may seem that solar panel costs Brighton are quite high, but the results more than justify the relatively small expense. Not only are solar panels Brighton a great deal cheaper than many people realise, but they are also likely to ensure that any rising power prices don’t end up crippling people financially in the future.

At the same time, solar panels Brighton can actually eventually become a source of income. Many people make back the amount they paid for solar panels in a very short space of time and then see the savings in energy and the ability to sell on electricity for decent sums allow them to actually make money for getting power rather than losing it. At the same time, it offers you the chance to always have electricity when you need it and not see power cuts causing multiple problems.

The amount paid out in solar panel costs Brighton is surprisingly small. It also offers clean, ethical energy, and offers a potential revenue stream in the future. However, the cost of getting energy through less clean means is often an extremely high price, and sometimes even the cost of lives.



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