Real Estate

What House Sets the Standard for New Home-Buyers

This website sets a new standard for new home buyers by supplying them with all they need to make that purchase of a new home. Not only does it have a portal through which potential buyers can perform a customized search, the site also boasts a section on daily news on the new home buying market, a dedicated description of featured homebuyers and a chance to value your home with their expert advice. It also features its own online magazine, which can be downloaded from the web site for your own perusal. This is suitable for use for buyers looking to get onto the property ladder as well as those who are retired.

Valuing your Property Online

What House lets you value your property with their clever algorithm through which you can enter in simple information about your home. From this information, the system can make estimation by using data from the Office on National Statistics, the Land Registry and the financial markets or local government. This data is updated every month to give you an accurate evaluation. An upper, lower and average valuation is given just to be on the safe side so you really get a good idea of what your home is worth. The report can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF file. There will furthermore be information on other local property, health and education services in the area. Also, the report will give ideas on how you can increase the value of your home.

What Value Amounts Represent

If you are worried about what the lower, upper and average prices for your home mean then do not be worried. The upper price represents how a property will perform on the market if there was a big demand for similar properties in the area and if the market was strong. A lower price is the value your home could reach in a slow moving market with less demand for properties of the same type in the area. A moderate demand for properties like yours in an averagely performing market represents the average price. Depending on the strength of the market and demand the price for your house could be closer to the upper price than the average, or lower than the average and closer to the lower price.


What House has a strong online presence with years of experience offering potential buyers of new homes the right kind of advice. They are now featured on a mobile app as well.