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What is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing and is an effective tool to help those affected by past traumas to overcome the crippling emotional and physical effects that psychological trauma can produce.

The tool has been used by psychologists for many years to help people resolve past emotional turmoil and to move on with their lives without living under the shadow of psychological trauma. As anyone who has dealt with trauma or dealt with those who have experienced great trauma will know, the strong emotions attached to traumatic events can remove the ability for people to process certain events properly. In turn, the event is not just remembered but is instead ‘relived’ time and time again to the detriment of everyday lives.

EMDR training allows trained professionals to have a very effective tool to help patients to stop these memories being frozen and to instead process them effectively, resolve them, and to therefore move on.

Eye movement can have a direct effect on how intense thoughts and emotions are. As such, EMDR training looks to give psychologists and other mental health care professionals the tools to use a patient’s rapid eye movements to reduce anxiety as they recall traumatic events. Therefore, over time, any memories of the event become linked to a feeling of reduced anxiety, allowing the original event to be viewed in a far less traumatic light.

Ultimately, the process helps to thaw out the frozen emotional reactions to an event and allow them to simply become a memory as opposed to something much more malign.

Research has shown that the use of EMDR as treatment for those with post traumatic stress disorder can speed up recovery dramatically. It is a much less distressing form of treatment and often yields results far faster, and far more effectively, than any alternative approach.

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