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What Is Kentec

Unsure what Kentec is? Don’t worry, not everybody will know what Kentec is, nor will they understand the scope and broad nature of the Kentec product brand. What Kentec specialise in are fire detection control systems. We all know that fires can be devastating and must be stopped as soon as they are detected, but there is only so much you can do when waiting for the fire brigade to arrive and put out the fire. Fire detection is the first and foremost thing on the mind of designers at Kentec, if you don’t know the fire is there is could run rampant and possibly block stairwells. This is a total death trap in the event of a fire, and so Kentec aims to deliver the best possible fire detection systems available to keep people safe and alert them to any fires. Kentec fire detection systems work on two principles, they either detect smoke like a conventional fire alarm, or they instead detect the heat from the flames. Either of these fire detection systems is acceptable in a regulated environment, and in a lot of cases both type of fire detection systems are used depending on the section of the building.

Kentec products go beyond just fire detection. More complex products in the Kentec range include extinguishing products. A popular Kentec product is a control panel linked at a number of systems designed to extinguish the fire. In a lot of cases this means setting off the sprinkler systems and other such defences against fire. While the Kentec product is merely a control panel for these devices, any number of defences can be installed and used in order to protect an area from fire damage. Some systems allow the sealing off of an area of the building given it has been cleared of people. Others have advanced ventilation systems for ensuring that the room is flooded with carbon dioxide to ensure that the fire puts itself out before it does further damage. Either way, Kentec are a leading brand when it comes to fire prevention, and you can be sure they’ll hang onto that title.



At we have an extensive and wide ranging assortment of first rate Kentec equipment that is in perfect working order. Hochiki Fire goods are flying off the shelves as we speak.

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