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Wheel Aligners

The wheel alignment process involves fine-tuning the suspension of a vehicle to ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently. If wheels are not aligned correctly, there are a number of pitfalls that you might face. If safety levels are to be optimised, wheel alignment is crucial and tyres can be worn down swiftly and prematurely in the process. There are a number of factors which might set the tyres on your vehicle out of alignment, and common obstacles such as potholes in the road or accidentally hitting the kerb are counted amongst these. You may have heard wheel alignment being referred to as ‘tracking’.

Tyre terminology

When the wheel alignment process occurs, checks are made against the specifications outlined by the manufacturer of your vehicle. Steps are then taken to ensure that the direction and angle of your tyres and wheels comply towards the information laid out by the manufacturer. Terms used during wheel alignment include ‘toe in’ and ‘toe out’. Whilst the former refers to the instance where the front tyres might be closer to each other than the rears are, the term ‘toe out’ is used when they are further apart. The other term you might hear when wheel alignment is discussed is ‘camber’, which refers to the tilt of the tyre, whether it is tilting inwards or outwards.

Drive away with renewed vigour

Signs that wheels may need to be realigned include wear on the tyre. When this is found on the inside or outside shoulder of the tyre, this can be a very strong signal that it is time to realign the wheels. Wheel alignment should also occur when new tyres or suspension installations are made or when an accident has taken place. When alignment is completed successfully, the handling of the vehicle should become easier and extra longevity from the wheels and tyres produced. Four-wheel realignment is widely agreed to be more appropriate than simple two-wheel alignment, as this is not seen as adequate for limiting the possibility of quickly-wearing tyres and associated problems. Four-wheel alignment involves a minimum measure of 12 angles to ensure that performance levels are enhanced. The benefits of wheel alignment or re-alignment should become obvious to drivers right away if a job is completed successfully.



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