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Where to Find Transcription Companies

Transcription companies are able to provide you with written text from an audio recording. They can translate and transcribe the audio recording into another language if it is required. They are often used by the legal industries, as they need to have the audio recordings of a court hearing transcribed. They are also handy if you are recording your ideas for a book or manuscript into a dictaphone, then you can send the audio file to be transcribed. Most transcription companies can receive audio files via email, and they are able to email the finished written document back to you.


Before you start looking for a transcription company, there are a few things you should consider in order to get the right service. Many transcription services use people that are not native-English speakers. This can be a problem if you need your copy to be 100% error free. If you are not that fussed about the quality of the content, or a few spelling mistakes here and there, then this type of service might be right for you. However, if you want great copy, then it is worth hiring native-English speakers only. Although this will work out to be more expensive, it will be worth it for the higher level of work produced. Most reputable companies also provide a proofreading service to ensure there are no mistakes in the text.


There are several places you can find transcription companies. The best place to look is online. Open your search engine and type in ‘transcription companies’, and see what comes up in the results. Make sure that the company you are using has great reviews and feedback from past customers.

Another place to look is on work listing sites such as Elance, Odesk and Eguru. These are all sites that allow you to hire an individual to transcribe your work for you. You can list a job that you need doing, then different people will respond, and bid a set amount that they would charge to complete the job. This system works well because you can choose someone depending on their experience and the amount they charge.



Transcription Companies at We are an online transcription company and offer a service for companies to use our online secretaries to type audio files and more. Look no further and visit us today for Online Transcription.

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