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Whiteboard and Smartboards

Whiteboard and Smartboards

If you run a school or your own business then you might like to continue reading this article with greater attention. Everyone has seen the leap in their lives from blackboards to whiteboards. There are many reasons why we have seen all of these changes and one main reason is the shift and change in demand. There is however even further advances in this field. These advances not only benefit classrooms but can also benefit offices and businesses alike. This article is aimed at looking at some of the different choices and advances that you will see in this field. The article will also explore how these changes and advances can aid and assist both the classroom and the workplace. The article will then conclude by informing you on where you can find more information on Whiteboads and smartboards.

As mentioned previously there are many different changes and advances into the world of whiteboards, it is only after you have looked at all of these different changes that you can be sure that you have found the products that are best suited to you and your needs. Some examples of the different advances in this field include:

Whiteboards – are now easier to clean and even more durable than before, this is because advances in product testing have come a long way and they can now predict the life expectancy of a product far better.

Advances in pens – this may sound like a random one, but there are many chemical advances which means that you can now find pens on the market that are solvent free! This is a very important advance to the whiteboard industry.

Technological advances – this has allowed for the creation of smartboards, these smartboards really do take on their namesakes! They allow you to write on the board through computer based technology.

As you can see there is more than meets the eye when you think of these products and how they have changes rapidly over the years, if you would like more information then this can be found by entering the keywords ‘whiteboard’ into an internet search engine.



Whiteboard available at We specialise in commercial and educational smartboard solutions that include eBeam projection system. Visit us today for a Smartboard.

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