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Why a European Trademark is essential for your business

When you buy products over the internet, in stores or at shops do you check to see is they come with a European trademark? If you bought a supposedly branded item and there wasn’t a European Trademark on it how could you tell that the product was a genuine item? There’s a simple reason for putting a European Trademark on goods, it helps to protect the manufacturer and the consumer from unscrupulous traders that are happy to sell fake products trading on the back of leading brand name suppliers.

A European Trademark indicates authenticity, it proves a product is genuine and it helps to protect a business from intellectual property theft. Tons of counterfeit goods flood the market each year and without a trademark search for a European Trademark people could be buying fake items.

Protect your business with a European trademark

Before you start up a new business venture do a trademark search to establish whether the proposed name of your company is already being used. This isn’t for vanity purposes, it’s to ensure you won’t be stealing somebody else’s thunder – the name you are planning on using might already have a European Trademark on it.

So what you might ask? Who cares if there’s already a similar name with a European Trademark on, surely that won’t affect your business will it? It could do. If you start to trade using a name that already has a European Trademark you could be liable for prosecution in the future. Moreover, if you manufacture goods using a name that already has a European Trademark what’s to stop other companies from suing you and wanting a slice of your profit at the same time?

Stop other people stealing your ideas with a European trademark

There’s another good reason you should carry out a trademark search and pay for a European Trademark if you want to prevent problems in the future. A European Trademark gives you total protection to manufacture and distribute goods throughout the whole of Europe. If other companies try to steal your ideas they won’t have a leg to stand on if you have a European Trademark in place. Whether they steal your company’s name, try to trade on the success of your business or manufacture copies of your products you’ll be able to take legal action once a European Trademark is in place.

Start a new venture and make sure you have a European Trademark in place from the beginning it’ll save you tons of hassle in the long run.



A European trademark needs to be authentic and genuine as there are so many fakes out there. To help with your trademark search and save a wasted journey it is vital that you visit

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