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Why Wireless Headsets are perfect for call centres

Can you imagine if you worked in a call centre and had to keep manually picking up and putting down the phone? How annoying would that be on a daily basis, it’d drive you crazy in next to no time. Before the introduction of Wireless Headsets that’s exactly what would happen, telephone sales staff had no option but to pick up the phone, Headsets simply weren’t available. Customer service teams didn’t have the luxury of Wireless Headsets and they had to use outdated base stations. Times have changed though and telephone operators now have state-of-the-art Wireless Headsets to use on a daily basis. They’re snazzy and savvy, they’re very simple to operate and Wireless Headsets look super-slick as well.

What’s important when choosing Wireless Headsets?

Two of the most important aspects of choosing Wireless Headsets are comfort and durability. Call centre staff spend all of their day on the phone so when they wear Wireless Headsets they need to be comfortable over prolonged periods of time. It’s important the Wireless Headsets are long lasting as well they’ll be in constant use on a daily basis so they need to be designed with longevity in mind. Plus the clarity of the Wireless Headsets has to be without question, the last thing call centre staff wants is crackly headsets that make phone calls harder work than they have to be. Heavy duty headsets need to deliver crisp, clear sound and be designed for prolonged usage.

Think about range when choosing Wireless Headsets

If you like to walk when you talk think about how far you can actually go without losing signal in your office. Check out the specifications of Wireless Headsets and the manufacturers of the Headsets should tell you what the range of the Headsets are. Most Wireless Headsets provide a range of about 100 metres which should be more than enough for most office environments. The length of talk time you get from Wireless Headsets will vary depending on which model you choose and some need charging every 3 hours or so others will last up to 9 hours before they have to be charged again. For more information on Wireless Headsets check out the details of sites like Phonatics they’re a brilliant resource for call centre equipment.



Wireless Headsets from For all of your communication requirements at unbeatable prices and quality, why not check out our range of Headsets.

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