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Yew hedging For Something That Is Easy to Maintain

Many of us love to have a beautiful garden to enjoy, but not all of us enjoy having to regularly trim and prune the garden to keep it looking neat and tidy. Hedges in particular can be a burden if they require a lot of maintenance and if left for too long they can become quite overgrown and untidy. Although hedges can become untidy if not maintained they can still do an important job in the garden so we may be reluctant to leave them out. Some plants however are much easier to maintain as hedges so they make a great option for somebody that is perhaps not able bodied, or may not have that much time to dedicate to keep their garden neat. Yew hedging is one such example of a hedge that doesn’t require as much attention as a lot of other types of hedges.

Slow Growing

Yew hedging grows slowly, meaning it stays tidy for longer. If it does become overgrown then it can withstand hard pruning so it can be restored to a neat and tidy hedge again. It is also an evergreen plant so yew hedging will stay green all year round helping you to enjoy the garden longer. It is also a very hardy plant that can thrive in a variety of conditions and is suitable for all different types of soil. Because yew hedging is so hardy and requires little maintenance, it is also a great candidate for topiary for any gardener that would like to try something a little more challenging.

Because yew hedging is a plant that grows slowly, it could take a while before it reaches the dimensions you want it to. With this in mind, you might want to consider purchasing plants that are already well develop so you don’t have to wait too long for results.

If you are looking for a tough plant that will not be too demanding in terms of the need for trimming, yew hedging could be just what you are looking for. They are great for hedges from 2 feet tall to taller barriers that help to give you some privacy from the world outside.


Yew hedging is a popular type of hedging for people that would like something that is relatively easy to look after

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