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Yummy Houmous-an Absolute Must for Any Mezze

Food, glorious food! We all go crazy for delicious dishes and discuss ‘food heaven’ and ‘food hell’ endlessly. Steak makes carnivores drool with anticipation; lobster is a rather popular choice for seafood fanatics and liver is pretty much derided by the entire population, except maybe those that have survived the war. Granny loves her tripe and onions, yet the younger generation would baulk at the thought of putting anything that disgusting near their mouths. But it’s the same everywhere; Cockneys love their jellied eels, Scots their deep fried Mars Bars and kedgeree, Greater Manchester residents their black pud. All in all, these foodstuffs may make some stomachs turn, but they are regional institutions and those who pooh-pooh the idea of trying unusual things are just as annoying as squeamish types that won’t peel prawns or other crustaceans due to the fact that they have eyes and legs, even though they love the taste of them. How do you expect them to come out of the ocean? Freshly prepared, ready to eat, tail and head removed? Get your hands dirty before you get stuck in we say!

And now to Greece we go, for an education in how houmous should be made. Houmous is a national treasure as houmous is healthy, tasty and nutritious without having the ‘rabbit food’ label attached to it. The appeal of houmous from is that it is fresh and aromatic and is made by chefs who pride themselves on bringing authentic Greek cooking to the masses. Even the most pernickety person will fall head over heels in love with houmous, as it is moreish and completely yummy. Compare houmous to a lecherous Greek waiter and we will see which affair lasts longer. Stavros might look swarthy and handsome but houmous is far more permanent and will never let you down. Don’t make a date only to be disappointed when this lothario does not turn up; settle in with a nice pot of lemony houmous instead. You will get far more pleasure out of houmous than sitting crying in a restaurant, make up streaming down your face so even the Joker himself looks half normal.

It’s showtime! Showtime for houmous that is! The centrepiece of a mezze bulging with morsels that tantalise the tastebuds and leave you with a full belly and a happy, content disposition, houmous from is a must. Along with falafel, another staple on a mezze board, you will be the host with the most and show your snooty neighbours how to host a proper dinner party. To hell with caviar and quail’s eggs, let’s show them how it’s really done! Cheers!



Houmous from Get all the best Mediterranean food at Ramona’s Kitchen with ammazaing Falafel, Houmous and more. Visit us for Falafel.

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