Car's Service

How Seasonal Changes Affect Your Car’s Service Needs

As the seasons shift, your car’s needs change, too. Just like you might adjust your wardrobe or your home’s heating and cooling systems, your vehicle requires different care throughout the year. Understanding how seasonal changes affect your car service needs can help ensure that it remains reliable and safe, no matter what the weather throws at you.

The Impact of Weather on Your Vehicle’s Performance

Winter Woes

When temperatures drop, your car faces a host of issues. The cold may cause problems with the engine, battery, and tires. Here’s what you need to zero in on during the winter:

  1. Battery Check: Biting cold weather can significantly diminish the performance of batteries. Make sure that your battery is good and has passed its regular tests. Cold starts are hard on batteries. You can find yourself in a weak situation when needed.
  2. Fluids and Oil: As the temperature drops, the consistency of your engine oil thickens. This makes starting your car or truck harder and affects its running efficiency. Consider switching to a winter-grade oil with a lower viscosity that flows easily in cold weather. Watch coolant levels and ensure it’s properly mixed with antifreeze to prevent freezing.
  3. Tire Maintenance: Winter roads can get quite slick. Checking on your tyre tread depth and putting on winter tyres if you need more traction is essential, not to mention the tyre pressure might run a little low due to temperature changes, compromising handling and safety.
  4. Wipers and Windshield: Snow and ice will make mincemeat from your windscreen and wipers. Replace the old wiper blades. Winter windscreen washer fluid will provide clear visibility.

Spring Clean-Up

As warm weather is about to arrive, it is time to get your vehicle in great shape. Spring represents an excellent opportunity for a thorough checkup of your car:

  1. Fluid Levels: Due to warmer temperatures, the fluids in your car, like the engine and transmission, should be checked and probably replaced. The cooling system must be in good condition because it prevents overheating.
  2. Air Conditioning: After months of inactivity, your air conditioning system may need some attention. Have it inspected to ensure it works efficiently before the summer heat becomes unbearable?
  3. Brakes and Suspension: Spring is an excellent time to have your brakes and suspension checked. Winter’s rough roads can cause wear and tear; therefore, getting them checked will help ensure safe driving conditions.
  4. Cleaning and Detailing: After winter, give your car a good inside and out cleaning. This would include washing off all road salt and grime that could easily corrode the metal. It might also entail having it professionally detailed to ensure the paint and interior are well cared for.

Summer Care

With summer’s arrival, a lot of different issues crop up. The temperature rise affects your car in several ways:

  1. Cooling System: Additional summer heat puts more pressure on your car’s cooling system. Be sure to check coolant levels frequently and have your radiator and hoses checked for wear to help prevent overheating problems.
  2. Tire Health: Hot pavement will wear down your tires faster. Ensure they’re properly inflated, and check for any signs of damage. Consider rotating your tires regularly to ensure even wear.
  3. Battery Performance: High temperatures can dry out the battery fluid in your vehicle, which could eventually prove fatal. Get your battery tested and cleaned for its functionality.
  4. Air Conditioning System: With the rigorous and scorching summers, an air conditioning system becomes more necessary than ever. It should be serviced if it is not cooling properly or making odd noises.

Autumn Adjustments

Get your vehicle ready for the coming colder months as temperatures start falling again:

  1. Battery Check: Fall is an excellent time of year to ensure your battery functions at the top of its game. Have it tested, and if it’s showing signs of wear, replace it.
  2. Fluids and Oil: As temperatures cool, change your oil and other fluids. If you haven’t changed to a winter-grade oil, this may be a good time.
  3. Tire Inspection: Again, check on your tires before winter. Ensure they are in good condition and ready for possible ice, and change them if necessary.
  4. Heating System: Have your car’s heating system inspected to ensure its performance. You will want a good heater during the cold weather.


Seasonal changes greatly affect your car’s service needs. Keeping up with these changes will keep your vehicle safe, reliable, and efficient at all times. Regular maintenance, such as scheduling an MOT test Harrow and timely updates, will prevent breakdowns and ensure your car runs perfectly through every season.