
How Often Should You Service Your Car?

It is easy to be told that every car should be serviced each year before an MOT. But in some cases an MOT and service every year may actually be extravagant, whilst in other cases car servicing may be needed far more regularly.

It is worth remembering that car servicing is not just about keeping your car in good condition. Servicing ensures that you are always safe on the road and that your engine will last far longer, whilst the amount you have to pay for repairs will also no doubt be lower. Therefore, paying for servicing as and when you need to may ultimately save you a great deal of money.

We are told all sorts of things by different people, and many of these are concentrating on selling more products or gaining more trade. There will often be a big difference between the official recommendations of when things need changing and what certain mechanics will tell you.

Ultimately, the older your car is, the more it will need to be serviced. Likewise, the more mileage you do every year, the more regularly you are going to need to get your car serviced. Ultimately, an MOT and service is likely to cost a fairly limited amount so long as you choose a reputable outfit. By choosing highly recommended garages over those that just offer cheap prices, you will be offered better advice on how often things need changing and how often you should seek a full service. However, always compare this to the recommendations in manufacturers’ handbooks to ensure that you are indeed getting the services you need and not just putting money in someone else’s pocket needlessly.

It is often best to look at the age of your vehicle and the mileage you do and get the car serviced accordingly rather than simply judging it in terms of time.

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