Shops & Retail

Gift Cards

Gift cards look very much like a credit or debit card and can be bought from all of the major superstores and shops. The majority of gift cards have no monetary value at all until they are validated, and they can usually be credited with any amount of money you wish. Certain shops have certain designs with some having a metallic strip on the back like a credit card, where others will have just a number code.

Some gift cards are designed to be used just the once, while others can be topped up with extra funds as and when you wish them to be. This is great if you do not have a credit or debit card yourself and it is also a safer way of shopping as you do not have to carry large amounts of cash around with you at any one time.

If you are stuck for ideas on what to buy a friend or relative as a present then gift cards are the perfect answer. They may like to shop in a particular clothes store for example, but you are not sure of their size so rather than buy an item of clothing that doesn’t fit, or an item they do not like, you can buy them a gift card.

Gift cards can be sent at Christmas and Easter time instead of other gifts, and they can be sent as birthday’s presents, wedding presents and engagement gifts. In fact they can be sent for any special occasion at all, or perhaps you could send one as a treat to your partner or loved one.

You can even buy gift cards online these days which is great if you are a stay at home parent or you work from home, or perhaps you have a hectic social life and have little or no time to visit the shops. Checkout your friends and families favourite online shops now and see which ones now sell gift cards. With Christmas fast approaching purchasing gift cards is a great way to get ahead of the game and get all of that Christmas shopping out of the way in one fell swoop.



Gift Cards from We have a huge range of vouchers for all occasions from all the top shops and places. Visit us today if you are looking for Gift Vouchers.