Construction & Maintenance

Hospital Flooring – A possible cure-all?

If you’ve ever spent any time on a recovery ward, you’ll remember certain interior design aspects. Upon the smell of disinfectant, memories of the time you spent being tended to by a pretty little nurse will flood back to you; when you see the mint green on the toothpaste tube at home, you may immediately think of the surgeon who wheeled you down to theatre and; when you see anything painted in mustard yellow, you won’t think of ham sandwiches, you’ll think of the four walls you were forced to look at for 12 waking hours every day. Then there is the hospital flooring. Always shiny, but whether it was orange to symbolise vitality and endurance to aid recovery; green to connote life, fertility and wellbeing to comfort patients and their guests or; grey for security and maturity, more appropriate for a geriatric ward- the hospital flooring probably added a lot to your experience of the hospital setting.

However, uniform conformity at its very best and where laminate or parquet will always reign supreme; hospital flooring must not only look good and appeal to patients and staff; but hospital flooring must also be user-friendly, flawlessly hygienic, easy to clean and maintain and able to hide any visible signs of dust.

Floors4 are a UK leading supplier of hospital flooring. Currently on their books and as well as hospital flooring tiles, they can provide anything from domestic flooring and school flooring to commercial flooring Kardean flooring- all time and cost-effective and professionally installed by a team of committed professionals with years of experience in their trade.

With in excess of 100 types of hospital flooring, Floors4 are fast become renowned for their ever-expanding range and, to make sure they remain at the forefront of product evolutions; they are team dedicated to scouring the marketplace for newer, more affordable hospital flooring on a daily basis! To find out more, visit them today at



Hospital Flooring from Whether it is domestic or commercial flooring, hospitals or schools, Floors 4 have the best floors available. Visit us if you are looking for School Flooring.