
Improve Working Life with a Suggestion Box

If you run a company, then one of the most important things that you can do to ensure it is a success is to make your staff feel valued, listened to and needed. One of the simplest and most effective ways of doing this is to introduce a suggestion box to your office building.

The suggestion box is a simple tool which really can have a huge impact on a company if it is used wisely. Giving your staff a place where they can make suggestions and have input on a variety of work based issues allows them to feel listened to and like they are a valued member of the team and this helps to make then happier, more productive workers. Of course, you have to act properly upon suggestions for this to be the case.


Simply providing a suggestion box in itself is not enough to engage your staff: you must act upon the suggestions you receive to show your staff that you value their opinions. This should not be too hard as you will probably find that many of your staff have some great ideas which will improve your business, if only you give them the chance to share them. After all, they are working at the forefront of your business day after day and will have picked up a lot of knowledge which could help the company to be more efficient. This is why a suggestion box is beneficial for both staff and management.

Make it Known

If you have decided that a suggestion box would be a good idea, you must ensure that your staff know that it is there. One way of ensuring your staff do not miss the box is to buy a brightly coloured, stylish box which will stand out from the rest of the fixtures and fittings in your office building.

Putting up signs and sending out an email will also ensure that all of your staff know about the box and are able to use it when they feel that they have something to add.

Tastemodern specialise in innovative display solutions. If you are looking for a stylish and noticeable suggestion box, visit their website today.