Construction & Maintenance

Making The Most Of Your Playground Design

Playground design should be considered an important part of school design. Playtime is not just about having fun for the children it is also a way to encourage physical activity, promote physical development, and improve the social skills of your pupils. With intelligent playground design you can implement a great range of products and items that are especially suited to use by schools and nurseries.


The floor should be one of your first considerations. Tarmac and concrete are from being an ideal flooring for an area where kids will be running around and enjoying physical activity. Grass is better but in high traffic areas, the grass itself will soon disappear and leave nothing more than patches of soil and mud. Artificial playground surfaces are not only a lot safer and cleaner but they can also include playground designs that mean the floor becomes a part of the game too.


Climbing frames are a good way for kids to develop muscle strength. As a number of children will usually want to play on the frame at the same time it also means that their social skills will be put to the test and will be developed further. They will need to wait in order to take their turn and this means that they will learn to share and should develop good manners too.


A trim trail is another great option for use in the playground and one that can be completely customised to the requirements of your students. If you have an unusual space or you simply want to create your own trim trail design that you believe will offer the greatest benefit to the children then you should look for a company that allows you to enjoy this level of design service.


Playground design will vary from school to school and from area to area. The age of the children, how the playground is used, and any special requirements should be taken into account to help determine the design of the playground. You will also need to consider budget and availability to help ensure that the new playground will meet with school council requirements.



Visit to view a wide range of items that can be combined to create the best possible playground design . You will be able to enjoy access to great looking playground flooring as well as items like trim trails, climbing frames and more.