
Enjoying Winter

Okay, so winter is a little bit chillier than the rest of the year. But whilst, long nights in front of the fire might be very appealing ,with the right clothing and the right tools such as binoculars, you could find that you will enjoy winter far more than you ever realised you could.

Whilst, during the summer months, many of us enjoy a good long walk, a bike ride, or a trip out into the countryside to see the wide array of wildlife on offer, far fewer venture out during the colder months, missing out on what is actually the most beautiful time of the year.

Not only will the landscape usually be far more impressive when it is crisp or even covered with a healthy dollop of snow, but the range of wildlife to be seen can be breathtaking. With longer nights, you are likely to have far more chance to see nocturnal creatures with a good pair of binoculars and are simply likely to find that you get to see our magnificent country in a whole new light.

Finding a good vantage point is extremely important whether you are looking for animals with your binoculars or simply wish to look down over a town or city to see what will undoubtedly be a winter wonderland. It is often best to drive around a little to find the perfect vantage point beforehand as long, fruitless walks in the cold may well serve to put you off if it is your first winter adventure.

Towns and countryside alike will look very different, and arguably a great deal more beautiful, in the winter. So get those waterproof jackets on, pull out a good pair of binoculars and head out to see just how enjoyable winter can really be. After all, that roaring fire will be even more rewarding afterwards too.



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