
A Look At Roller Shutters

Protecting your storefront is highly important, failure to do so will put you at high risk of theft or vandalism, but what exactly can you do to protect your shop? Apart from the obvious of cameras and alarms, rolling shutters are your first line of defence when it comes to making sure your shop is protected. First of all rolling shutters provide a physical block between attackers and your shop front. The barrier stops them from being able to smash the glass, and in turn will save you quite a lot of money even if the rolling shutters themselves take a bit of a beating. It is not uncommon for rolling shutters to get attacked by thugs or drunks, but they’re very sturdy and can take quite a lot of abuse. Similarly, rolling shutters take quite a lot of effort to roll up manually, and in some cases involves breaking a lock physically to be able to roll up the shutters. The effort and visibility involved often make shops and stores with rolling shutters an unattractive target for thieves and they will instinctively stop themselves from attempting a robbery at these venues. This is the primary reason why rolling shutters are helpful in protecting your shop.

You might see some minor vandalism on your rolling shutters, like small dents, but the major vandalism that will occur on your rolling shutters will be graffiti. Most of the graffiti will be signatures or obscene messages and imagery, but they can quite easily be removed from rolling shutters through washing. You may get lucky and have some high quality graffiti like a mural sprayed onto your rolling shutters, and if it happens to be to your taste you can easily keep it on your rolling shutters for people to see. While unlikely, good graffiti is something you might want to consider keeping on your rolling shutters to make your shop a memorable place for some people who may consider buying from you or using your services at some point in the future because they remembered the graffiti on your rolling shutters. If you don’t have rolling shutters already, get some.



Security Direct Products is a premier supplier of security products including roller shutters. Please visit our website or call us to discuss your door security requirements.