
Catering Recruitment Agencies Make it Easier to Find the Right People

Most firms rely heavily on the people that they employ. Without good people, firms do not thrive and grow.

This is especially true for firms who spend a lot of time dealing directly with the public. Catering firms fall into this category. They rely on their personnel to give a good service and leave a good impression with every person that they deal with. Of course, there are lots of backroom staff too, but the majority of the staff who work in catering are front of house and are, therefore, dealing directly with the customer. If they are polite, get the order right, and offer fast and efficient service a good impression is left. If they are rude or forget, something a bad impression can be made.

A lot of catering work is still word of mouth. This means that caterers have to be especially careful to recruit people who make a good impression.

By far the best way of finding the right people is concentrating on those who have already worked at some level in the catering trade. If you want to employ someone who is completely new to the industry it is usually best to start him or her off with a back of house role. This gives you a chance to see how quickly they learn and to assess how well they work with others and how they perform when under pressure.

By far the best place to find people with previous experience are the websites of recruitment agents, in particular, the websites of catering recruitment agencies. Naturally, they are the websites the majority of the people who are looking for work visit when they want to find their next catering role. If you advertise elsewhere, you will find that the majority of the applications are from people who are new to the catering industry. There will be suitable candidates in the mix, but you are likely to have to spend a couple of hours reading and trashing the unsuitable applications. Posting jobs on the websites of catering recruitment agencies will save you a lot of time and frustration and, therefore, money.

As one of the UK’s biggest listing websites for catering recruitment agencies has an extensive listing of jobs. They offer a service that guarantees you will find the right people, and do so quickly.