
The Role of an Arboriculturist

An arboriculturist is a person who is concerned with the study of trees, woody plants and shrubs. Arboriculture is an important science which looks into the ways in which plants grow and respond to their environment and how the impact of cultural changes affects the growth of plants. Arboriculturist techniques will include selecting and planting the right trees, fertilising them, pruning and shaping trees, tree removal and pest control. An arboriculturist is also someone who should be called upon to deal with any risks posed by trees and plants, as well as legal issues associated with plants and shrubs.

Who Needs an Arboriculturist?

An arboriculturist is someone who should be consulted when decisions about cutting down or planting trees are required. This could be on personal property, in a public place or in a national park for example. They will study the area and make sensible decisions as to whether it is sensible to cut down or plant a tree in a particular area. They can also advise on the best trees to use in a particular area and minimize the impact that trees can have on the landscape.

The Arboriculture Association

The Arboriculture Association was developed in order to advance the study of arboriculture and bring about a rise in the standards that arboriculturists have to adhere to. It also aims to raise the profile of arboriculturists by publishing research and articles on the profession on a regular basis.

Trees are often underestimated in their importance but they are actually a vital part of our ecosystem; removing carbon dioxide from the air and replacing it with oxygen which we all need to survive. Sadly, as the population grows more and more urban developments are springing up around the world and this means that we are losing a lot of our vital trees. The Arboriculture Association recognises that this is a huge tragedy and this is why they fight for trees and try to bring about a change in opinion so that more trees are left intact.

Arboriculturists take a lot of time to care for the trees we still have to ensure that they thrive and grow. offer great deals on Tree Surveys by a professional Arboriculturist. To learn more visit their website today.