
5 Reasons to Choose Granite Worktops

If there was a list of most desired and popular stones to choose from for worktops, granite would make the top of the list. It is the number one choice for bakers, famous chefs, and homeowners.


If you are thinking of installing a granite worktop in your kitchen, the real question isn’t why you should choose granite, but rather why on earth you would settle for anything less than this fabulous natural stone. It offers everything you could possibly want, and while it isn’t perfect, it is just about as close as it gets.


Choosing Granite for Your Home


  • Durability- Granite is mined from the earth by cooling magma and is one of the hardest kinds of stones in the world. While it will need to be sealed properly every six months or so, this type of worktop is resistant to scratching, staining, and high temperatures. If you care for a granite worktop correctly, by sealing it, cleaning up spills as quickly as possible, using pot holder for hot pans, and avoiding using knives directly on the surface, it can last for years and still maintain the same beautiful shine as it did when you first purchased it.


  • Easy to Clean- Think for a moment about the mess that is currently in your kitchen. If your home is like most, there are probably a few dishes in the sink, the floor probably needs swept, and you might need to schedule in some time to get out the mop. This is normal, because kitchens are such high traffic locations. With granite, however, you can keep this space maintained with very little effort. Yes, you will still have to do the dishes, but you won’t have to worry about using those harsh chemicals to clean the surface of your worktop. (who wants that near their food?) All you need to clean granite is a little mild dish detergent, water, and a soft cloth.


  • Always in Style- There are many things in life that go in and out of fashion: bell bottom jeans, beehive hair, and lime green shag carpet. With granite, however, you don’t have to worry about your worktops going out of style. They have been around for hundreds of years and they aren’t going anywhere. And why would they? The qualities they offer- value, durability, and beauty- make them popular among homeowners each and every year.


  • Increase Home Value- When you install a granite worktop in your home, you are not only increasing the physical beauty of your kitchen or bathroom, but you are also increasing the value. Granite is a big selling point for homebuyers, and if you ever decide you want to move, it can definitely help raise the bar on the offers you receive and the price you get.


  • They Are Unique- Like everything in nature, there are no two pieces of granite that are exactly alike. Some may be similar, with like colours and patterns, but each one is a unique and beautiful surface. This means that even if your neighbours down the street decide to follow suit and purchase a granite worktop for their home, yours will still be just as special and unique.

Bob Gill is a representative of Affordable Granite and Marble. Are you thinking of purchasing a granite worktop? These unique and beautiful worktops are the most popular choice among homeowners because of their durability, style, and low maintenance. Take a moment to consider everything granite can offer you. Visit our website to find out more.