Clothing & Accessories

a huge selection of holdalls Blokes Bags

As any number of men from across the UK will without questions admit to, traditionally holdalls are reserved from the females of the species. Men are often too gruff, too stubborn or even too traditional and set in their ways to ever consider carrying holdalls over their shoulder.

The only question that you need to consider is this, why?

Let’s consider a scenario. Let’s say, for arguments sake that you have an important meeting or presentation to attend. There are, more often than not, an abundance of essentials that are paramount for ensuring that you are able to deliver the presentation, or perform well in an interview situation. From your laptop to pen drive, umbrella should the heavens open on the journey to a pen and pad to jot notes, and that’s just the beginning. Now, how are you expected to carry all of these essentials in your raincoat? You’re not. You need to find a retailer with a selection of men’s holdalls.

In the words of the great Bon Dylan the times, they are changing. More and more men across the UK are becoming wise to the benefits of holdalls, and here at Bloke’s Bags we have responded in-kind by supplying our customers with a selection of the finest holdalls available on the market today.

Here at Blokes Bags we have a selection of the finest holdalls of any retailer in the UK. Whether you’re in the market for standard holdalls or indeed if you are a traditionalist yourself with a strong desire to own a briefcase, then here at Blokes Bags we have something to suit you.

To browse through the complete selection of holdalls of our range, or indeed to view the briefcases, and complete range of masculine bags that we offer, then all that you need to do is to come and pay us a visit online at:



Holdalls from We provide our customers with a diverse range of high quality bags for men. Our products range from shoulder bags, backpacks, laptop bags all the way through to Briefcases.