
A Look At commercial epc

A commercial EPC is a commercial energy performance certificate. A commercial EPC effectively rates the efficiency of a building in terms of energy, and can be affected by a number of different factors. A commercial EPC can be affected majorly by having a number of high power electronics on constantly; meaning that certain businesses and industries must have their commercial EPC rated on a different scale to a smaller operation. Most industrial businesses have their commercial EPC built differently due to this, and as a result there is a split between the energy usage measured as energy used on the factory floor, and energy used elsewhere. If your business uses a lot of energy for the purpose of creating your product, you cannot use this as an excuse for your commercial EPC showing that your non-industrial areas of the building are highly energy inefficient. Improving your commercial EPC comes down to a number of factors, the broadest spanning of which being lighting. Using low energy light bulbs is a great way to improve the rating of your commercial EPC due to the energy saved as a result. While these bulbs may shine a little bit less and take some time to warm up to full brightness, they’re still very effective and do get the job done.

Heating is another major factor of your commercial EPC. If you have heating systems on all year round instead of in selected cold months your commercial EPC is going to be greatly affected. Similarly air conditioning systems will affect your commercial EPC if you keep it on when not necessary. More practical ways to create cool ventilation in your building will be to use low power fans and opening windows. Your commercial EPC will show you an energy efficiency rating based on a scale of A to G along with a numerical calculation of how the grade was tallied, in addition to this your commercial EPC should have an environmental impact rating too on the same sort of grade scale. The commercial EPC should also show a potential grade rating indicating the changes you can make to improve your commercial EPC.



When you let or sell commercial premises, a commercial EPC is required. If you’re a landlord, Surrey Energy Ratings is a company you should know about. Our energy assessors can look at your heating, ventilation and lighting and perform air conditioning inspections.