
A New Home, what about the TV?

My daughter and her partner are very excited as they are to move into their first home together in two weeks time. No more renting with all the constraints this brings of someone else’s furniture, taste, decoration and use of space. Instead they have a blank canvas, a place where they can make their own mark. As you can well imagine there is a list as long as your arm of things to be done. At the weekend as we were all sitting in their current lounge talk turned to the subject of their TV.


Currently they have a flat screen TV on a stand in the corner. As is usual with this there is a Freeview player on a shelf underneath. Now my daughter is a very stylish young woman who has firm ideas about design and how she wants her new home to look. This cumbersome piece of pine certainly does not feature on her radar. This was a means to an end and served its purpose well, but its days are definitely at an end.


So what are you going to do with the TV then was my question to her? Here new lounge is not large and floor space will be at a premium, that I do know. Her answer was that she wanted it mounted on the wall. There is plenty of free wall space. This is a very stylish option; a flat screen mount can turn a utilitarian piece of equipment into a modern piece of furniture. The beauty of this is that TV mounts are readily available and cheap to purchase on the internet. This means that they will be able to do the job themselves and save some much needed cash. All good and well.


Until her partner piped up with the idea that he would like to see the TV in the corner on a swivel or cantilever mounting. He believes that this will make better use of the space and look just as smart. That there are advantages to this is clear, but not to my daughter. I am afraid that when we left the matter was still not resolved and I am keeping well out of things.


All I know is that whatever decision is made they will be able to source the materials easily at a good price and either way their room will look fantastic.


If you are looking for a new TV bracket and want to look at the different TV bracket types available then search online for the best deals.