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A Versatile Living Room

Having a versatile living room is extremely important. The living room tends to be a place where we relax at the end of a very long day, but it also tends to be the place where we entertain guests, undertake specific tasks and even, in some cases, exercise. Being able to cater for all these different scenarios is not easy and if you have too many chairs or sofas, you will be unable to do many tasks and simply feel crowded when you are alone, whilst too few items of furniture are liable to leave you in serious trouble when it is time to have guests round.

Whilst many look upon bean bags as items for kids to sit on, things have very much changed over the past few years and it is now possible to get extremely opulent solutions for one’s living room that are not only very comfortable, but also provide the versatility that many homes will need.

An attractive leather bean bag can be used for almost anyone to sit on, but can also be easily tidied away to create extra space when needed. Modern bean bags offer a whole range of functionalities and are not the scruffy, uncomfortable hazards they once were.

However, it is not only a leather bean bag or two that will make your living room both attractive and functional; even your coffee tables can be a great deal more versatile. By choosing tables that stack under each other you can have the perfect table to put a drink on whilst you snuggle up to watch a film, or the perfect array of side tables to accommodate multiple guests in terms of both drinks and food should you decide to throw a party.

Even TVs can be more versatile with fold out brackets being easy to use with remote controls, and even lighting can be very easily changed with modern solutions. With just a bit of thought, it is amazing how much more you can achieve in any single space.

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