
Because they’ll do anything to get out of doing homework; Educational Activities you can do together, at home.

“Oh muuuuuuuum… do we have to go to the Natural History Museum and do *spits* educational activities?!” It’s a Saturday, I’ve finished nursery for summer and I wanna go to the theme park and if we don’t do that, I want to stay in my PJ’s alllllll day and sit in front of the TV on my Xbox. I know my ten times table, my ABC’s and just ask me any question about Henry Viii – he was grossly overweight, ate a lot of pig trotters, had six wives of which two were beheaded, one died naturally and another during childbirth – I know enough stuff already and that’s before I start big school. I DEFINITELY DO NOT want to do educational activities when I spend every day looking at blackboard at the mercy of Madam Whiplash reciting French verbs!”

“Ok Ok. I hear you- you don’t want to do any educational activities with me – I get it. But dear, you’re only 5 years old; you shouldn’t be holed up indoors day after day developing square eyes in front of the box, that’s why I’ve come up with a compromise. Here’s the deal… we’ll get to send the educational activities to us and we’ll do them together at home and if you’re good and do all the educational activities with me, you can have as ice cream for pudding. Are we on?”

“I dunno. I’m still not sure I really want to do educational activities when I could be watching SpongeBob in bed. I think I’ll just give your educational activities a miss thanks very much.”

“Oooh darling! Look; our educational activities from Little1 have arrived- I only ordered them a couple of days ago. C’mon, you may as well give them a go… *opens the wrapper* … there are educational activities for anyone here, even you and you HATE school! There’s English, maths, colour flash cards… In fact, I wouldn’t call these ‘educational activities at all; I’d call them fun, fun, fun activities!”

*Takes a tentative step forward* “Actually for educational activities, they do look pretty good… they’re colourful and you’re right, I think they could be fun. Let’s give them a go mum!”

If you want educational activities for your little ones and they need more than a little persuasion; visit for more information today! has the most diverse and wide ranging assortment of fun filled educational activities which are entertaining and enlightening. These preschool activities for kids are tailored to suit all requests.